Olá, Welcome

Lena Maria

Integrative Psychotherapist
& TRE® Facilitator

Here you find more about my offerings
& Neuro-Psycho-Somatic Integration

A Therapeutic Space

I am offering a therapeutic space for the individual challenges that come with life and the process that wants to unfold through them.As a qualified neuropsychologist and psychotherapist with a special focus on the nervous system & the reorganisation of trauma, I accompany you with my ability to see the causing factors of the actual challenge and guide towards their resolution.My approach is based on psychodynamic psychotherapy, the polyvagal lense on the nervous system & the TRE® process for tension and trauma resolution.
In my work I look from psychological, neurological and somatic perspective and help you understand how your brain & nervoussystem influence how you feel.
I give space for unresolved aspects to show and by that a natural innner harmony & new possebilties can arise.

Here you can get in contact with me:

I recommend to book a first 20 min. online consultation where we can get to know each other.

Investing in Yourself & Others

By taking time to be with ourselves and gaining new perspectives, we are not only supporting ourselves but everybody that we are in contact with.

20 min. call20 min.free
1 on 1 session50 min.80 €
1 on 1 session longer75 min.100 €
Couple session105 min.150 €
1 on 1 TRE® session60 min.80 €

Neuro-Psycho-Somatic Integration
& Natural Intelligence

The approach of neuro-psycho-somatic integration is a pradime shift to a holistic view. It incorporates the knowing that within every being there is a natural intelligence that is connected to the progression of life.INTEGRATION means to start walking towards acknowleging the differnt parts of myself and offer the possibility to live in acceptance with them.NEURO stands for the biological aspects of how our brain and nervous system functions.PSYCHO stands for the psychological aspects of what our soul is askingSOMATIC stands for our physical & energetic bodies that communicate through our sensations & feelings.

During & After a Session

During a session I accompany you by listening, sensing and also guiding you to perceive and feel parts of yourself that where hiding before.
I will give very practical tools which can support with regulating your stress levels and reorientating towards a sense of safety.
After a session most people feel more connected, lighter or more relaxed in their bodies, have a calmer, more centered mind, feel more peaceful & accepting in their hearts or have a clearer motivation towards changes in their life.


* realizing why and how our nervous system influences the way we feel & act* rewiring your stress highways & re-introducing a sense of safety & "being ok" how i am* reconnecting with your body. Growing your capacity to be present with comfortable & uncomfortable sensations.

*remembering & valueing your basic needs*recharging your energy. When physical & emotional tension releases energy can flow again* restoring a feeling of natural well being, feeling naturally inspired, motivated and growing resiliance towards challenges

Who is it for?

* kids, teenagers, grown-ups
* couples, friends & familys
* schools, workspaces, teams

And what is TRE®...?

TRE® stands for Tension, Stress and Trauma Releasing Exercises.
It is a simple, body-oriented practice that initiates profound inner change because it works on the level of the nervous system.
The exercises innitiate a neurogenic tremor that releases muscular tension in our body. We gain more space on a physical, mental and emotionall level. Yeay :)Here you find more Info about TRE®:

Our Nervous System
& Polyvagal Theory

The polyvagal theory states that we as human beings are biologically wired for connection and need to feel safe in order to be able to connect with ourselves, others and our environment.It points out that we have three main networks in our autonomic nervous system that secure our survival.When we get stuck in a protective mechansim life can feel like a constant battle, that you are always on the run, it can feel heavy or you feel anxious, overwhelmed or depressed.

About Lena

Born in Hamburg and now feeling at home in Portugal, I am appreciating and learning from nature & human interactions every day.I live a simple life in contact with the natural rythems, the ebbs and flows, the growing and resting periods.Through my own therapeutic jouney and my endless curiosity for human evolution, i am finding myself in a place where i can offer a space of heartfelt presence for others.